By Kathleen Blair.
Once again, here are a few interesting titles to pique your interest! We hope you visit our bookstore soon at the Black Range Museum.
Camping in New Mexico – Falcon Guide to over 150 public campgrounds in New Mexico. Includes maps, detailed descriptions, facilities, driving directions, wildlife tips, and things to do.
Silver Hill: A Novel of Territorial New Mexico – Jal Mora’s book is set in the fictional town of Silver Hill in 1903 with Hillsboro the model for the town and some of the characters. The author’s familiarity with the area and historical period assuredly comes through!
Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico – Susan Shelby Magoffin’s 1846-1847 journal is one of the earliest records of the first wagon trains from Independence, Missouri along the Santa Fe Trail to Santa Fe and from there down the Jornada de Muerto to Mexico. Her observations of the land and people are considered one of the most valuable, and readable, historical records available.
Last Stand: Ted Turner’s Quest to Save a Troubled Planet – Todd Wilkinson’s book is both a biography of one of the most influential Americans of the late 20th and 21st centuries as well as a vision by practical, practicing, conservationist. Ted Turner is our neighbor who owns the Ladder Ranch whose history is so embedded in Hillsboro.
Black Range Tales – This is a classic southwest gathering of stories, tales, fables, and histories by James A. McKenna reprinted and available once again. Cowboys, miners, Apaches, pioneers, prospectors, and outlaws all live again in The Black Range Tales.