Volunteer - Give a Gift of Time

There are many ways to volunteer with the HHS!

If you have considered being a volunteer, but are not sure it is the best choice for your time, consider the values.  Not only does it help the organization you choose, but volunteering is good for you.  Key benefits include improvement in mental health and self-esteem, giving a better outlook on life.  Volunteering is also a great way to build friendships and diminish lonelines.

People who volunteer are in general healthier!

We recently reviewed the volunteer opportunities for the HHS.  Staffing the Gift-shop and Museum on weekends is our greatest need, but there are a number of other places to help the HHS as well!


– We would like to present more programs and special events; this takes someone to make connections and organize those events. 

– Our sites have many jobs.  These include working on maintenance and enhancement of the sites, and thinking about new interpretive materials and displays.  We also need occasional organizing for cleanup of roadsides and weeds.

– We want to do more Oral Histories. This includes doing interviews and video plus transcribing interviews.

– Additionally, each year we seek new board members to serve with our fun and active group of Directors .

We are a small, local organization, built in a low-population area, and we are an all-volunteer organization. We hope you will embrace the benefits of volunteering, and choose to find something to suit your interests at the Hillsboro Historical Society. 

Please contact us soon by emailing hillsboronmhistory@gmail.com

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